Report of March, 23rd 2005

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Results of the fifth session of the Ad Hoc Committee concerning the issue concerning the issue "women with disabilities"

Concerning the issue "women with disabilities"

A report about the 5th session of the Ad Hoc Committee and other documents have been published : 

In the report you will find the discussion of Article 12 Freedom from Violence and Abuse. Women are mentioned in note 45:

» There was also broad agreement that "women and girls" or "women and children" were particularly vulnerable to violence and abuse, but no agreement about where and how a reference to this issue should be included. Interested delegations were invited to confer about an appropriate way to deal with the issue. «

Otherwise you can’t find very much about the negotiations referring to women with disabilities in these official documents.

A report of Stefan Troemel, former director of the European Disability Forum (EDF) who is still attending the negotiations about the UN Convention, is more informative. He writes

Stefan Troemel favours the third option, a combination: » There should be a short specific article to reinforce the mainstreaming of gender issues throughout the text «. Additionally there have to be gender references in a number of articles.

Current director of EDF Carlotta Besozzi complemented this report during her visit to German Disability Council on 21st of March:

Consequences: What should be done till the next session of the Ad Hoc Committee?

The proposals to complement the draft convention of the German women and Lydia la Riviére-Zijdel have to be promoted because a weak specific article referring to "women with disabilities" is counterproductive. It could be misinterpreted by States as if this is the only article in the whole convention that applies to women with disabilities.
EU member states opposing so far have to be convinced of the importance to include gender issues.
These proposals to complement the draft convention have also to be promoted within IDC, especially within IDC’s working group on women with disabilities.
Finally these positions should also be included in the paper EDF is going to develop with regard to the regional conference in July and the Ad Hoc Session in August.

Further informations to be found under: 

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