Press information from November 21st , 2004 by Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD)

 Inhalt :

Towards Visibility of Disabled Women in the UN-Convention!

At the start of the campaign of the Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD) and the NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 the SoVD president Adolf Bauer declares:

"At the moment, the United Nations are working on a draft for » A Comprehensive and Integral Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities « . This agreement will be binding for the member states. With it they commit themselves to implement measures that enable disabled persons to obtain their human rights.

We are happy that the draft of the Convention has already the perspective of human rights in the centre instead of the perspective of the impairments of disabled persons.

But still we think it is indispensable to take the visibility of disabled women and the special aspects of living as a disabled woman more into consideration.

From our viewpoint, we can not understand that the opposition against more visibility of disabled women comes also from within the EU.

The reason for the opposition is the fear that then certain groups of disabled people want to be explicitly mentioned also. These reservations are without foundation and can surely be cleared up. Also the EU has - in the Amsterdam Treaty - committed itself to an active policy of giving equality to men and women in the sense of "Gender mainstreaming".

To emphasize the necessity for more visibility of disabled women in the Convention, NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 and the SoVD have started a campaign to lobby this issue. At the same time a website  has been launched.

Furthermore we hope that from the tomorrow expert meeting "Human Rights and Disability" at the Federal Government Commissioner for the affairs of people with disabilities more important impulses will flow into the future negotiations about the text of the UN-Convention."

You will find the draft of the UN-Convention on the Internet-Websites 

Resp.: Dorothee Winden (Sozialverband Deutschland - SoVD e.V.)

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