Press information from November 23rd, 2004 by NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3

 Inhalt :

UN-Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:
Need for Improvement Concerning Women

» The Federal Government of Germany would be well advised to take the leading role in the question of gender in the UN-Convention «, said Prof. Dr. Theresia Degener at the expert meeting "Human Rights and Disability" in Berlin yesterday. As she sees a need for considerable improvements concerning the gender issue, she took on the patronage for the campaign "Towards Visibility of Disabled Women in the UN-Convention" from NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 and Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD).

Together with the German Ministry for Health and Social Security, the Federal Government Commissioner for the affairs of people with disabilities, Karl Hermann Haack, had invited persons affected and experts from an international spectrum to discuss » A Comprehensive and Integral Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities « .

»  I thought it would be a matter of course that the situation of disabled women would be considered and thus I did not really care for this aspect «, said the professor of law Degener who has taken part in the German delegation to elaborate the existing draft of the convention. Furthermore the disabled expert explained that with the draft of the convention the issue disability is considered not so much as an individual medical problem but disability is seen as a social question in the broader context. It has been possible to make clear that human rights are as valid for persons with disability as for all other persons.

"Towards Visibility of Disabled Women in the UN-Convention!" is a campaign of NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 and Sozialverband Deutschland. 

Resp.: Sigrid Arnade (NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 e.V.)

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