Press information from Dezember 3rd , 2004 by NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3

 Inhalt :

Collection of Signatures via Internet

Disabled persons and their organisations now can support the campaign of NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 and Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD) "Towards Visibility of Disabled Women in the UN-Convention!" by signing their names. Signatures can be given on the trilingual (English, German, Spanish) website 

The background: Since 2002, the United Nation Member States are negotiating »  A Comprehensive and Integral Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities « . In the actual draft the human rights of persons with disabilities are fairly good respected but the gender perspective is missing nearly throughout the whole document. The special needs and discriminations of women with disabilities are hardly mentioned or referred to. Disabled women remain invisible so far.

But to make States Parties and society conscious of these specific discriminations of women with disabilities and to report about their situation it is indispensable to include the gender perspective. The existing "UN-Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women" is not sufficient at this point as it does not have a disability perspective. Thus the states which have signed this convention are not obliged to report on the situation of disabled women.

People who sign the campaign call upon all UN Member States to realize the principles of gender mainstreaming throughout the UN Convention and to take all necessary actions to make disabled women visible in the whole document.

Resp.: Sigrid Arnade (NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 e.V.)

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